Schedule of the
25th International Microlensing Conference

All times are listed in Paris time zone (UTC+2).
The conference schedule is subject to change until the end of August, 2022.

The conference schedule has several topic sessions, some of which are split into two or three parts. Please note that these parts do not always follow one another (not back-to-back) due to scheduling considerations of all participants, some of whom are 11 time zones away from Paris. Each session color refers to a specific topic.

The pre-recorded talks and posters will be available on this page from August 24th. Pre-recorded talks and posters are considered as important as any other contributed talk by the Scientific Organizing Committee. We warmly encourage all the participants to watch them before the start of the conference. Pre-recorded talks and posters are organized in sessions matching the in-person meeting sessions.

Last update: August 28, 2022.

Calendar picture


The dawn of astrometric microlensing
PART I: The promise of astrometric microlensing (continued)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Nearby dark lens hiding in Gaia DR3 astrometry

Maja Jabłońska, Ilknur Gezer, Łukasz Wyrzykowski  ✧  Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Poland Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Spectroscopic classification of microlensing events alerted by Gaia

Paweł Zieliński  ✧  Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Prediction of astrometric microlensing events a unique option to derive single-star masses

Jonas Klüter  ✧  Louisiana State University, LA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Microlensing by dense gas clouds

Mark Walker  ✧  Manly Astrophysics, Australia Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Gravitational lensing events in the Alpha Centauri system: opportunities for exoplanet detection and beyond

Pierre Kervella  ✧  LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France Amphithéâtre (floor 0)



IAP entrance


The dawn of astrometric microlensing
PART II: Microlensing by compact objects


SESSION 9 Invited talk Virtual UTC-10

Black Holes in the Milky Way

Jessica Lu  ✧  University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 8 Contributed talk In-person

Potential of Gaia to constrain Primordial Black Holes using astrometric microlensing

Himanshu Verma  ✧  Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk Virtual UTC+3

Towards the detection of isolated black holes

Segev Noam  ✧  Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


Lunch (at IAP provided by the conference)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk Vitual

Measuring the dark stellar remnant mass function with OGLE and Gaia EDR3 data

Przemek Mróz  ✧  Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Poland Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk In-person

Assessing the Impact of Binary Systems on Microlensing: Adding Binary Systems to SPISEA and PopSyCLE

Natasha Abrams  ✧  University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk In-person

Impact of binary sources in the estimation of the detection efficiency of microlensing

Marc Moniez  ✧  IJCLab-IN2P3, France Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk In-person

Black Holes Hiding in Plain Sight

Will Dawson  ✧  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk In-person

Search for intermediate mass black holes by combining MACHO and EROS data

Marc Moniez on behalf of Tristan Blaineau  ✧  Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire, IJCLab-IN2P3, France Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk In-person

Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter Simulations Using PopSyCLE

Kerianne Pruett  ✧  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk Virtual UTC-7

Searching for isolated black holes with astrometric microlensing using HST

Casey Lam  ✧  University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 9 Contributed talk Virtual UTC-4

Detection and Mass Measurement of Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Holes through Astrometric Microlensing

Kailash Sahu  ✧  Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), MD, USA Amphithéâtre (floor 0)




Interferometric microlensing


SESSION 10 Contributed talk In-person

Interferometric observations of Gaia19bld

Arnaud Cassan  ✧  Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, Sorbonne Université, France Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


SESSION 10 Contributed talk In-person

Observing microlensing using optical interferometry: a bright future

Antoine Mérand  ✧  European Southern Observatory (ESO), Germany Amphithéâtre (floor 0)



Amphithéâtre (floor 0)


End of the conference — Thank you to everyone!