The Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey

Scott Gaudi  ✧  The Ohio State University, OH, USA

I summarize the properties of the Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey (RGES), one possible realization of the Bulge Variability Survey, which itself is one of three core community surveys that will be carried out with NASA’s Nancy Roman Space Telescope (Roman). The notional RGES survey will consist of photometric monitoring of a \(\sim\)2 sq. degree area toward the Galactic bulge every 15-minutes in a wide, \(\sim\)1-2 micron filter. The survey will consist of six 72-days seasons, with most of the seasons being concentrated early and late in the nominal 5-year Roman prime mission. I will describe the activities of the RGES Science Investigation Team (SIT) over its 5-year tenure and advertise opportunities to get involved with the future preparation for, and further definition of, the Bulge Variability Survey.