Proposal to test a Newtonian galactic model by observing gravitationally lensed stars, brown dwarfs and planets found by the Argus Array

Philip Yock  ✧  The University of Auckland, New Zealand

In 2020 Sipols and Pavlovich proposed a self-consistent Newtonian non-parametric model of galaxies without non-baryonic dark matter [1]. The model was shown to account successfully for a diverse sample of 214 spiral galaxies. A radially declining average star mass with increasing galactocentric radius was found. Here we propose a search by gravitational microlensing for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the galactic disk consistent with the Newtonian model. We propose that the wide-field Argus Array [2] be used to find microlensing events in the galactic disk with lenses at galactocentric radii > 8 kpc. We further propose that these events be monitored with auxiliary 1 m class telescopes to identify their lens and source stars, and to seek and identify exoplanets orbiting the lenses. We also comment on hypotheses made by Newton on particle physics.