Keck vs Spitzer: A new mass-measurement for OGLE-2016-BLG-1195

Katie Vandorou  ✧  The University of Maryland & NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD, USA

OGLE-2016-BLG-1195 is a suspected cold super-Earth orbiting an M-dwarf star towards the Galactic bulge. However, two detection papers published on this system (Bond et al 2017 and Shvartzvald et al 2017), present differing results with the latter using a parallax derived from Spitzer photometry. We have conducted NIR high-resolution follow-up observations with Keck with a primary goal of resolving the source and lens. With a direct measurement of the lens flux we have found that our Keck results are not consistent with the Shvartzvald et al 2017 result. Therefore, we have investigated the Spitzer photometry, and conclude that it is likely dominated by systematic errors.